How to Look Glamorous in Photos Every Time

How to Look Glamorous in Photos Every Time

1. Consider the Lighting and Background: Natural light is the best light for clicking pictures outdoors. Both dark and too much bright light can spoil the picture and bring out your imperfections. The best time to click a picture outdoor is in early morning and in the afternoon. Also, look out pretty backgrounds or even a white wall, or something glamorous, anything that captures your eye.

2. Pose Right: This one depends on your choice entirely. You can fake a walk by putting one leg in front of the other. If you prefer to stand instead, cross your legs. Try not to stand facing the camera straight. If you are sitting, cross your legs. Whatever the pose be, just remember to keep your posture straight.

3. Invisible Heels: Even while wearing flats, one can look a bit taller in pics. All you have to do is to stand on your toes like you are wearing heels to add some extra inches in your pictures.

4. Know your Best Side: Some people love clicking pics from their left side while others like right side of their face in closeup pics. Knowing your best side is a matter of practice and experimentation. Click a lot of photos and keep studying them to figure out which side brings out the prettiest Glamorous version of you.

5. Click Pics from Different Angles: Facing the camera straight is rarely flattering. The best way is to make an angle of 25 degrees with the camera. To do this, turn your body three quarters the way toward the camera. Cross your legs. Even if you do not want to cross your legs, just bend one of them to break up the shape.

6. Wear the Right Clothes: If you want to look glamorous, wear pics that make you look and feel confident. short, wear vertical stripes and thin borders. If you want to look slimmer, opt for darker colors. If you are too thin, try wearing lighter colors and horizontal stripes. wearing a loose shirt dress, wear a belt to accentuate your waist.

7. A Little Makeup Can do Wonders: Even a little bit of makeup, done the right way, can do wonders to highlight your favorite pictures. For a more natural look, apply concealer only to blemishes, imperfections and shadowy areas. Wear a BB cream to even out your skin tone. Applying mascara to your lashes and tight lining your eyes will make them appear bigger and more awake. Wearing a bright colored lipstick will make your face pop. Add a warm blush to your cheeks for a natural and Glamorous glow.

How to Look Glamorous in Photos Every Time

8. Style your Hair: If your hair has become limp and flat, flip it upside down and brush your strands with your fingers. This will give a bit of volume to the hair, one can also tease the hair with a brush for added volume. For more texture and dimension, pull your hair into a loose top-knot. Just before the picture is clicked, take it out and spritz some dry shampoo. Also, try to tame flyaways for pictures by applying some dry oil or cream products.

9. Here’s How to Not Blink in Photos: If you tend to blink in photos, close your eyes for a few seconds and then open them slowly, just before the picture is about to be clicked. If you are clicking under bright light, try this trick – close your eyes and face toward the source of light for 4-5 seconds with closed eyes. Then face toward the camera and open your eyes. This will prevent them from going half-closed in pictures. As for makeup, apply darker colors to your crease and lighter ones to the brow bones and white eyeliner on the inner corners of eyes.

10. Be Confident: Always be confident about yourself. This will reflect in your pictures. And if you are not very confident, you can always fake it. Raise a brow very slightly. This expression will also enhance its shape and make your face stand out in pictures. I personally love this trick because it works for me every time and makes me look more confident. Also, smile naturally or smirk slightly. Do not forget that your confidence reflects in your eyes.

11. Get Rid of that Double Chin: Have you noticed how a double chin magically appears in some of your pics? To avoid the much-dreaded double chin, elongate your neck and push the face a bit forward, and do not forget to tilt your chin down slightly.

12. Avoid makeup products with SPF to avoid getting that dreaded white cast in pictures.

13. Make your Arms Look Toned with this Pose: All of us have mastered that hands on hip pose, but do you know this pose with a little bit of tweaking can make your arms look toned? For this pose, put one arm on your waist and push it back just a little so that the elbow is behind you and not in line with your hip. After you clicked the pic, do remember to thank us for the toned-arm effect look.

14. Smile with your Eyes: Also, called the Duchenne smile, made popular by Tyra Banks, is the “natural and happy” version of a smile which also helps in radiating positivity and relieving stress. The best thing is that you cannot fake this kind of a smile and it needs positive thoughts for it to happen. To master this kind of a smile, channel your positive thoughts, squint a bit, and smile like you are genuinely happy. This kind of a smile should start from your lips and reach your eyes, creating crow’s feet near the corners of the eyes. Just don’t mind the crow’s feet and laugh lines because they result in amazing Glamorous pictures.

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